I am not saying that there are no cases of papers not being published
because they disagree with "orthodoxy", but that such cases are few and far
between. I have been on editorial boards in the past, and the papers we
rejected were always because of poor science or similar reasons, not because
they disagreed with some orthodoxy, real or imagined. Even if a paper is
rejected from one journal, it can always be rewritten and resubmitted, or
taken to another journal. If it is only any value someone will eventually
publish it. I would say that if anything editors are too tolerant of
rubbish, and much of what gets published appears to be of little value.
God Bless
Hi Johathan,
I don't think geologists, as a group, are particularly committed to a
philosophy of deterministic science. Darwinists, those committed to an
accidential universe, are committed to materialism. I doubt you would see
the same tolerance in their journals.