Re: Janet posts to T.O. as well

Amanda Gladden (
Wed, 28 Oct 1998 09:08:12 PST

Ed wrote:

>Yes, Janet will be glad to hear your comments. Unless they're negative,
>of course. If they are opposed to Peterson's thesis, she will first
>that those comments exist, then call you names when you point out that
>they do. The more things change...
As I read down these messages, I constatly see certain people bashing on
each other. Why is that? This is what I believe: I believe that God
created the earth and everything on it. I also believe that everyone
had the same colored skin when God made us. As we spread out into
different parts of the world, we had to adapt to fit the environment.
Also, through the years, I believe that humans have adapted from short
to tall and back to short, and now we are becoming tall again. I know
that there is some evidence that evolution does exist, but there is not
enough to convince me that I came from a monkey. Who's to say that
monkeys didn't come from humans? If evolution happened so long ago, why
haven't more monkeys evolved into humans since then? This is just my
opinion and if you have comments on it, then go ahead. Start your


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