Janet posts to T.O. as well

Ed Brayton (cynic@net-link.net)
Sat, 24 Oct 1998 00:20:54 -0400

Janet Miller posted in the talk.origins thread concerning Peterson's
book as well. Here is what she wrote:

<begin text>

If you have in mind Richard Petersen's book by that name I
also confess to being unable to find where he went astray. Quite
the contrary, I think he's exactly right and that contemporary
science has gone astray instead by presuming to impose their
Principle of Uniformity upon nature. It fails miserably at times,
with the result that essentially everything that scientists think
they know about the ancient world is vastly in error.
In order to clarify in my own mind the reasoning that leads
to what I call "Petersen's Central Theorem" I have reduced his
argument to four simple and unarguable steps. Please visit my
Web Site at
and examine them for yourself. I'd be glad to hear your
comments about any of this material.

Janet Miller

<end text>

Yes, Janet will be glad to hear your comments. Unless they're negative,
of course. If they are opposed to Peterson's thesis, she will first deny
that those comments exist, then call you names when you point out that
they do. The more things change...
