The issues involved in the $121,000 in prize money were not trivial,
they were not founded on "imprecise writing," and it was not your
writing. The issues were bedrock and the lies were 180 degrees out of
phase with the truth, like white is black. So when you said that it was
getting a little old and that you would "rather see the LISTSERV
dedicated to substantive issues," that suggested you knew the evolution
and truth issues and none were important to you.
Do I understand you now to say that the truth, especially about the
bedrock issues, is important, is substantive and ought to be discussed
on the LISTSERV?
If so, then I misunderstood, ought to apologize and ought to be
gratified that you will stand up for the truth, especially about the
bedrock issues.
If not, then "It is a pity that you and so many others on this list
don't value
truth" seems justified.