Re: A simple question

Ed Brayton (
Fri, 23 Oct 1998 11:17:49 -0400

Steven H. Schimmrich wrote:

> I would still ask Kurt why he keeps silent and has never (if I'm wrong, please
> correct me) publicly criticized anything any young-earth creationist has claimed.

Yes, you are wrong on that. What gets him into constant trouble with his
fellow YECs is that he frequently criticizes the commonly used
creationist arguments. I am told that his first paper at an ICC
conference, while still a grad student, was a paper in which he
criticized Morris and Whitcomb's nonsense about the Lewis overthrust and
said bluntly that it was a legitimate overthrust. He has also been very
critical of the moon-dust argument, and I have twice seen him say in
interviews that most of what passes for creationist scholarship is
"garbage". For this reason, many of the older YECs view him as an
impudent punk, while many of us evolution types see him as being the
best of a bad bunch.
