Re: Glenn wrote:

Glenn R. Morton (
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 20:10:00 -0500

At 10:24 AM 10/22/98 -0700, Arthur V. Chadwick wrote:
>If we assume that Scripture is correct and that man is unique in being made
>in the image of God, then I suspect that defacing that image is something
>that the enemy has been hard at work on for millennia. I suspect that God
>would not be pleased to have man entering into the experiment more than he
>already is. Perhaps those 50 genes are the only difference between man made
>in the image of God and a mere creature, since it is the developmentally
>early genes such as those in question that are responsible for most of what
>we are. 50 genes each of which may mold the results of 5000 genes or more
>is no small matter in terms of the ultimate fate of the organism.

I want to say that I agree with Art here, in spite of the fact that I was
the one that started the 50 genes thread. Humans are special creations of
God, at least our soul. I would find it very difficult to harmonize
Christianity with a chimp embryo converted to a human and have it work
entirely. The issue of the nature of humanity is obviously at stake. But I
agree with Burgy, that someone will attempt the experiment someday.

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