Re: A long time ago...

Glenn R. Morton (
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 21:12:59 -0500

At 03:52 PM 10/22/98 -0600, John W. Burgeson wrote:
>My point on Aristotelian logic was notthat it was invalid, WHEN IT
>APPLIES. Thus A cannot be not-A and so forth.
>But what I see is that you use it in the following way:
>You set up two positions which are clearly at odds with one another,
>demonstrate conclusively that one of them is false, and claim victory for
>the other. "A is false, therefore B."
>But in many cases there are not simply two positions, but a multitude of
>possible positions. Showing A is false does not prove B is true if C, D,
>... also exist!

If there are a multitude of positions then I agree with you. But, in the
creation issue there really aren't a multitude of positions. Let me try to
explain. There is special creation in which all the animals/groups are
specially created. You may say that there are a variety of flavors of
special creationism. Some believe each species is specially created and
some say that only the phyla are specially created with microevolution from
then on. There is no connection between the large taxonomical groups.

Now is the species level special creation really observationally different
from the phyla level special creation? NO. There is no experiment that can
prove which is correct. The difference is due to different metaphysical

Now you are going to say that PC is an alternative position to evolution.
it isn't because there is NO experimentum crucis that can distinguish
between PC, TE and atheistic evolution. These last 3 positions from an
observational point of view are all identical, using the very same data
with different metaphysical twists. Observationally they are identical.

concerning the age of the earth, there is obviously an infinity of
positions. But today the vast majority of them involve either <100 kyr age
to the universe and those of ~14 BYR ago. I know of no one that believes
the universe is 200 million years old an no older. Thus from a practical
matter the age of the earth is an either or situation.

In the issue of the flood as the progenitor of the entire geologic column
there are only two positions: the geologic column is created by a global
flood or it is created by slow deposition over a huge time. Either or. I
know of no one that believes that the geologic column is created by a
series of small global floods each depositing a single layer.

Now, if you can give me an example where I misused the aristotelian logic,
I will be glad to be corrected.

Adam, Apes and Anthropology
Foundation, Fall and Flood
& lots of creation/evolution information