Re: A simple question

Glenn R. Morton (
Thu, 22 Oct 1998 20:02:36 -0500

I received a very nice note from Kurt Wise. While I won't divulge what he
said, I was very pleased. I have always had a deep respect for him because
he does not deny the observational data. We don't agree on how the world
should be interpreted, but we operate from the same observational dataset.

I will say that I heard nothing from Baumgardner, Froede or Humphreys. Is
such a question about the morality of teaching something which is false so
difficult? I think I know why it is difficult. To admit that the geologic
column exists ,that meteors can be found in the earth's rocks and that
direct triangulation of stellar distances is possible means that some of
the very basic ideas of flood geology fail. To answer the question I
posed, risks destroying the theological/creation beliefs they hold.

Adam, Apes and Anthropology
Foundation, Fall and Flood
& lots of creation/evolution information