RE: Kevin O'Brien wrote:

Kevin L. O'Brien (klob@lamar.ColoState.EDU)
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 13:58:40 -0600

Greetings Burgy:

"YEC I can understand; I politely disagree, of course, on OEC and PC (which includes PC) as coming under the same umbrella."

OEC is simply YEC over a much longer period of time; they still reject evolution and still claim a supernatural origin for mankind, earth life and the universe. PC is OEC with different creation events strung out over a long period of time instead of all at once; the events are still considered to be supernatural miracles and they still reject evolution.

"BTW, You called me 'John Burgy.'"

That was to distinguish you from the other John you were responding to. It didn't occur to me to simply say "Burgy". Sorry about that.

Kevin L. O'Brien