Kevin O'Brien wrote:

John W. Burgeson (
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 13:45:06 -0600

Kevin O'Brien wrote:

"Greetings John Burgy:

It is also possible that the sun will rise out of the north tomorrow,
but there are compelling scientific reasons why this can be considered
so implausible as to be virtually impossible. YEC and in many ways OEC
and even PC are in much the same position: possible in the broadest
sense imaginable, but too scientifically implausible to take seriously."

YEC I can understand; I politely disagree, of course, on OEC and PC
(which includes PC) as coming under the same umbrella.

BTW, You called me "John Burgy." I go by many names, "Hey You," "John,"
"Burgy," Mr. Burgeson," "Your Worshipful Majesty," "O Dad," and so
forth. Not "John Burgy." At least not until now! < G >


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