Mike Hardie asked:

John W. Burgeson (johnburgeson@juno.com)
Wed, 21 Oct 1998 13:03:17 -0600

"Does anyone believe that things like
extra-natural designers (or, for that matter, 4th dimensions and
aliens), regardless of their truth, can properly be considered science?"

I'd assert that the first item, extra-natural designers, is outside
But the other two I'd not. No reason to think that, if they exist, they
are non-natural.

The key point is, of course, "if they exist." People did not tyhink
X-Rays existed in 1890 -- they do. People did not think N-Rays existed in
1910 -- some did investigate them -- they (apparently) do not.

In both examples, X-Rays and N-Rays, it was "science" at work.


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