Re: Morton's Rebuttal

Glenn R. Morton (
Sun, 18 Oct 1998 16:56:43 -0500

At 11:36 AM 10/15/98 -0700, Janet Miller wrote:
> I really did not mean to slight Mr. Morton
>by not having cited his rebuttal on my new Web
>Page. I was thinking only of the propriety of
>citing a rebuttal that had been written before
>my page was even posted. With Morton's permission
>I will go ahead and make a link to that site, but
>if he would like to refine his remarks and make
>them more responsive to what I now have actually
>written I will link to that revision instead.
>Maybe he will let me know his choice.

You are perfectly free to make a link to my review or any other item on the
evolution reflector. When you wrote asking about putting my review on your
web page, I said that it would be alright as long as it was un-edited. As
to revising the review, I would let it stand because I have spent quite
enough time on the loess theory of the universe.

As far as I am concerned you may either link it or put the post on your web
page in its entirety (unedited of course). The link is:

Adam, Apes and Anthropology
Foundation, Fall and Flood
& lots of creation/evolution information