Re: Earth Rotation and the Flood

Arthur V. Chadwick (
Sun, 04 Oct 1998 19:04:35 -0700

At 05:25 PM 10/4/98 -0500, you wrote:
>For those who want to believe in a global flood here is another really
>tough mystery that must be solved miraculously, thus removing it from

>Some of the most amazing items are contained in the periodicities and
>thickness ratios of tidal rhythmites. One can determine the length of the
>year, the period of the moon's orbit (and thus its distance) the rate of
>the earth's rotation etc. This can all be accomplished from tidal
>rhythmites today.

I have on my desk a chunk of a Pennsylvanian 'rythmite' from a classical
locality in Michigan. Only problem is there is a vertical Neuropteran
frond that crosses two complete sets of so-called tidal cycles. Either
there is some other explanation for the accumulation of tidal rhythmites or
the delicate lace-like frond remained intact and extended vertically from
the sedimentary surface (perpendicular to bedding) while the tidal cycle
sediments accumulated around it and eventually buried it after two months.