Re: Evolution debate

Glenn Morton (
Thu, 26 Feb 1998 21:32:53 -0600

At 06:30 AM 2/27/98 +0800, Stephen Jones wrote:
>On Tue, 24 Feb 1998 05:47:36 -0600, Ron Chitwood wrote to Glenn Morton:
>RC>Perhaps this discussion is cutting into the sales of your books, something
>>both you and I know is your real agenda.
>I did not see this until I saw the replies, hence my lateness.
>I join with others in expressing my strong disapproval of such ad hominem
>comments, particularly among Christians.
>It is particularly disappointing when it isn't true. Glenn has never pushed
>the sale of his books. Indeed, I have taken him to task in the past for *not*
>quoting from his books!

I have been somewhat at a loss as to what to say when I have seen the
responses to Ron's post. I want say thank everyone for the nice things that
have been said about me (but I would assure everyone that I don't see those
traits in me), and I want to especially thank Stephen here because he and I
have probably run into each other head on more than any other pair on this
list. Because of our run ins, this means a lot to me and I thank you for it.
I remember when you chastised me for not quoting from my book. That took
place when there was a guy on the list whose everyother paragraph started
with "my book say this," or "my book shows that". I don't think that added
to the content of the discussion and I didn't want to look like that fellow.

I would suggest that it is probably time to drop this. While Ron's argument
was logically fallacious (an ad hominem) I was not as bothered as everyone
else seems to have been. After having been called lots of things over the
years from "heretic" to "deceptive" to "compromiser' to "atheist" such
things as questioning my motives doesn't bother me much anymore.

To Ron Chitwood only:
I would like to say that I really would wish to continue our discussion
regardless of what you think of me or my ideas. I am not your enemy. In
order to take the issue of whether or not I want to sell my books out of
your mind, I will make an offer to you. If you ever want my
book,Foundation... and upon the promise that you will actually read it, I
would give it to you for free. In this way you should know that I am not
interested in selling my book to you. All you have to do is send me a note
saying you want it.

The reason I ask for the promise to read it is that I have found that if I
give it away, people don't read it. This offer is open to you anytime you
want to take me up on it. I have a deep desire to help christianity out of a
morass we have fallen into and this can only be done via continued
discussions and the consideration of other ideas.

with respect,


Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man


Foundation, Fall and Flood