Re: Evolution debate

Ron Chitwood (
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 05:39:13 -0600

>>>>Question for you Ron. Why did you alter the above quote? Are you
a liar or did you copy this quote from another source without checking

No, its a direct quote. Perhaps I referenced the wrong page number. I
have been known to do that. Anyway, its one of my favorite quotes so it is
worth verification to me. I checked out the book from the Library some
years ago and will do it again to verify.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.. Pr. 3:5
Ron Chitwood

> From: Brian D Harper <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Evolution debate
> Date: Tuesday, February 24, 1998 9:47 AM
> At 05:47 AM 2/24/98 -0600, Ron wrote:
> >Chill out, Glenn, cool it! I must have hit some nerve in our debate.
> >
> >Perhaps it was the towering ediface of knowledge you have built is
> >to you as having been built on the sand of macroevolution. I know it is
> >more and more. Consider this quote "Dr. Michael Denton's book
> >THEORY IN CRISIS, pp306. "The hold of the macroevolutionary paradigm is
> >powerful that an idea which is more like a principle of medieval
> >than a serious, scientific theory of the 20 century has become a reality
> >for macroevolutionary biologists."
> >
> Question for you Ron. Why did you alter the above quote? Are you
> a liar or did you copy this quote from another source without checking
> it?
> >
> >Perhaps, in spite of your efforts, you have found that evolutionism and
> >Bible do not mix. See Romans 5:14 for just one of many examples.
> >you or the Bible are wrong.
> >
> >Perhaps this discussion is cutting into the sales of your books,
> >both you and I know is your real agenda.
> >
> Why do you bear false witness against Glenn?
> Brian Harper
> Associate Professor
> Applied Mechanics
> The Ohio State University
> "It is not certain that all is uncertain,
> to the glory of skepticism." -- Pascal