Re: Evolution debate

Ron Chitwood (
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 08:05:05 -0600

>>>Actually sales of my book have been quite good over the past 3

We'll mark that 'perhaps' off the list then.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
and do not rely on your own insight.. Pr. 3:5
Ron Chitwood

> From: Glenn Morton <>
> To: Ron Chitwood <>
> Cc: Evolution group <>
> Subject: Re: Evolution debate
> Date: Tuesday, February 24, 1998 6:02 AM
> At 05:47 AM 2/24/98 -0600, Ron Chitwood wrote:
> >Chill out, Glenn, cool it! I must have hit some nerve in our debate.
> >
> >Perhaps it was the towering ediface of knowledge you have built is
> >to you as having been built on the sand of macroevolution. I know it is
> >more and more. Consider this quote "Dr. Michael Denton's book
> >THEORY IN CRISIS, pp306. "The hold of the macroevolutionary paradigm is
> >powerful that an idea which is more like a principle of medieval
> >than a serious, scientific theory of the 20 century has become a reality
> >for macroevolutionary biologists."
> >
> The problem with Denton and other anti-evolutionists is that they simple
> facts sit isolated on the floor. They never explain why the facts are as

> they are. It is a serious case of anti-knowledge.
> >
> >Perhaps, in spite of your efforts, you have found that evolutionism and
> >Bible do not mix. See Romans 5:14 for just one of many examples.
> >you or the Bible are wrong.
> I agree that death reigned from Adam to Moses. I don't see a problem
> between evolution and the death of Adam or Moses. Adam was offered
> immortality. Fido wasn't. When Adam sinned, he died and we die. Since
> was never offered immortality when Adam sinned, he continued to die. The

> fact that God provided the animals with reproductive capabilities before
> fall and told them to fill the earth implies that they were to die.
> Otherwise God could have created not 2 fidos but 10,457,890 dogs without
> organs. If they weren't to die, there would be no need for reproduction.
> >
> >Perhaps this discussion is cutting into the sales of your books,
> >both you and I know is your real agenda.
> My real agenda is to try to change Christianity from the silly views
> are unable to explain the 43,000 layers in that Japanese lake. Where is
> evidence of the flood 4300 years ago? Why was that lake not destroyed
> the flood? Can you explain the dinosaur footprints? Can you explain the
> of pillow lavas in the geological column? Can you explain that Japanese
> lake? My real agenda is to alter our views which make us offer no
> reasonable explanation for the facts of this world. YEC is a view that
> making the Bible false.
> Actually sales of my book have been quite good over the past 3 months. I

> even had a good December which normally is bad (I can't compete with
> But I don't see a lot of young-earther's buying the book. I guess they
> afraid of alternative views. But they like to say that they have
> all the alternatives but without reading alternatives, it is hard to see
> that can be.
> glenn
> Adam, Apes, and Anthropology: Finding the Soul of Fossil Man
> and
> Foundation, Fall and Flood