Re: Debate

E G M (
Mon, 23 Feb 1998 08:49:03 -0800 (PST)

The teaching on scientific validation is totally independent from the
veracity of the account. The veracity of the account rests on the
resurrection of Christ which is a historical event. See for example
"Evidence that Demands a Verdict" by J. McDowel (?). There are other
passages that can be estudied from the same perspective, for example
check the following webpage out


---Derek McLarnen <> wrote:
> E G M wrote:
> > Indeed !!!
> >
> > "Thomas, here are my hands, put your hand inside my chest
> > wound, do you now believe?"
> >
> > I say that's a call for "scientific" validation!!!
> Yes it is - if it is a true account of an actual event! Is
> it? How can you be sure? How have you tested the veracity of
> this story?


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