Re: Can you be objectivea about evolution?

Denis Lamoureux (
Fri, 12 Apr 1996 20:58:16 -0600 (MDT)

Hello Steve,

On Fri, 12 Apr 1996, Steve Clark wrote:

> Denis wrote:
> >Hey, Art, how about being "brave" and trying this challenge:
> >
> >"I would be very interested if any of you who espouse [heliocentricism]
> >can think of evidences against your theory."
> >
> >Silly question, huh? Get my point?
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Denis
> It would be silly Dennis, but only if the weight of evidence for evolution
> was as strong as for heliocentrism.

Well, Steve, I guess you're just not all that familiar with the evidence.


Denis O. Lamoureux DDS PhD PhD (cand)
Department of Oral Biology Residence:
Faculty of Dentistry # 1908
University of Alberta 8515-112 Street
Edmonton, Alberta Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2N8 T6G 1K7

Lab: (403) 492-1354
Residence: (403) 439-2648
Dental Office: (403) 425-4000


"In all debates, let truth be thy aim, and endeavor to gain
rather than expose thy opponent."
