>>... and our Christian apology suffers when we're fighting positions
>>that criticizing evolutionary positions that evolutionists themselves are
>>criticizing in the name of a creationist apologetic.
Should be:
..and our Christian apology suffers when we're criticizing in the name of a
creationist apologetic evolutionary positions that evolutionists (with no
necessary interest in a creationist apologetic) themselves are criticizing.
In other words, we often point out weaknesses in evolutionists' argument
with the idea that the anti-evolutionist argument supports the creationist
view. But when other evolutionists are pointing out the same weakness,
then the goal of a pro-creationist argument is not achieved.
In my opinion it's a brand of straw man argumentation.
Sorry for the obfuscation.
Terry M. Gray, Ph.D. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Calvin College 3201 Burton SE Grand Rapids, MI 40546
Office: (616) 957-7187 FAX: (616) 957-6501
Email: grayt@calvin.edu http://www.calvin.edu/~grayt