>As a member of the American Scientific Affiliation I'm also somewhat
>puzzled by Howard's reference to "the unhelpful assertion of
>>the American Scientific Affiliation and other old-earth advocates that the
>>young-earth position is by definition unscientific, anti-intellectual, and
>>fundamentalist". The ASA takes no position on the age of the earth or on
>>evolution, and its membership includes young-earth creationists. ASA is
>>committed to being an open forum in which controversial science-faith
>>issues can be debated. I read Clouser's paper, and I'm sure many ASA
>>members were as perturbed by it as Howard was. His view of the creation
>>of Adam for example made me very uncomfortable. That's what happens when
>>you commit to an open forum.
The text following the final quotation mark, which begins "The ASA takes no
position ..." is my response. The ">" quotation flags make it look as
though it's quoting Howard. In a private response, Gordie pointed out that
most of the ASA membership takes various old-earth views, so that claiming
the ASA takes no position may be a bit misleading. Gordie is right.
_Officially_ ASA takes no position. But most members are old-earthers
(including theistic evolutionists). Still, the organization does include a
number of young-earthers, and my perception is that the debate is generally
respectful and characterized by Christian love.
Happy New Year, folks
Bill and Linda Hamilton
1346 W. Fairview Lane
Rochester, MI 48306
(810) 652 4148