You wrote:
>> Some will say that my brief treatment of the age issue here
trivializes a number of important points. No doubt this is true, but I
plead a lack of expertise and time. <<
If this is meant to excuse mistakes or oversights, in your treatment of the
problems, I would respectfully suggest that it doesn't. You should spend the
years necessary to study as many of the relevant issues as you can and become
as expert as you can. This is not meant as to be harsh but consider that if
even you recognize that you don't have the expertise, should you be writing
the things you are? I am reminded of James 3:1 "Not many of you should
presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will
be judged more strictly."
I freely confess that when I was your age, I taught a lot of nonsense and I
will be held accountable for it. I would urge you not to make the same
mistake as I.