Re: Pamphlet Part III, 1st response

Jim Foley (
Thu, 21 Dec 95 14:17:01 MST

>>>>> On Thu, 21 Dec 1995 12:53:04 -0800 (PST),
>>>>> said:

>> Jim Foley writes:
>If God designed species to form a harmonious ecology, one might well
>expect species to be designed to help one another. But, as far as we
>know, they aren't.

>> Simply bunk Jim. Fruit trees give fruit to animals that spread their
>> seeds. Bees pollinate various flowers. In fact, symbiotic relationships
>> are VERY common in the natural world.

I know. So did Darwin:

If it could be proved that any part of the structure of any one
species had been formed for the *exclusive* good of another species,
it would annihilate my theory, for such could not have been produced
through natural selection. (Darwin)

Note the "exclusive". Fruit trees, bees, etc., don't count because they
are not exclusively benefiting other species. They are in a symbiotic
relationship because of what *they* get out of it; they are not
altruistically expending resources for the benefit of another species.

>> Jim continues:
>That would certainly make sense in a designed ecology. However as
>Krishtalka noted, rabbits *don't* altruistically leave nutrient-rich
>feces around so other animals can get the benefit, they eat them again
>so that they get the benefit.

>> I believe Kristalka said they SOMETIMES eat their feces. Are you telling
>> me that they always recycle their feces?

No, I don't know whether they always do it, or only when food is

-- Jim Foley                         Symbios Logic, Fort Collins,                        (303) 223-5100 x9765  I've got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call  it a weasel.      -- Edmund Blackadder