On Wed, 6 Dec 1995 vandewat@seas.ucla.edu wrote:
> Denis wrote:
> > What contributions are they actually making to the field, other than
> > taking the data of others and skewing it into their THEOLOGICALLY
> > (and suspiciously poor theology at that) based science?
> First of all, how is it "bad theology" to believe in a conspiracy?
Please reread my entire post--you have conflated my comments about "bad
theology" and the "conspiracy" that PCs and YECs claim is on going.
The "bad theology" I refer to is the exegesis of Gen 1-11. I can't think
of many evangelical professional theologians who actually work on these
early chapters (ie, publish in professional journals) and hold to
YEC or PC exegetical models...actually can't think of one.
> I don't
> know which translation of the Bible Denis uses,
Answer: Massoretic Text, Septuagint, Aland's Greek NT, and varying
French, German and English translations.
> Secondly, the only difference between my "theologically based" science and
> the science employed by the secular community is their consistent use
> of materialist assumptions.
If you ever come to Edmonton and happen to have a dental abcess, and you
end up in my dental chair, I am sure you will PRAY that I use those very
"materialist assumptions" in the diagnosis (yes, I won't be looking for
demons on the x-rays) and treatment (though I will pray silently under my
mask that the Lord be with me in my decisions and keep my hands steady.
But I will treat you based on utterly materialistic assumptions).
> To Denis's question, "Don't you feel ashamed at using their research against
> them when you don't contribute to the field?" I answer no. I would feel
> shame if I felt secular scientists had a track record of acting in a
> responsible fashion. Unfortunately for all of us, they don't.
Robert, if secular scientists do not have "a track record of acting in a
responsible fashion," then why do you trust them when they present their
data on the Cambrian Explosion? I mean after all, maybe they have fudged
You are an associate researcher at UCLA, what sort of research to you do?
Denis O. Lamoureux DDS PhD PhD (cand)
Department of Oral Biology Residence:
Faculty of Dentistry # 1908
University of Alberta 8515-112 Street
Edmonton, Alberta Edmonton, Alberta
T6G 2N8 T6G 1K7
Lab: (403) 492-1354
Residence: (403) 439-2648
Dental Office: (403) 425-4000
E-mail: dlamoure@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
"In all debates, let truth be thy aim, and endeavor to gain
rather than expose thy opponent."