Re: How should Christians handle refutations?
Tue, 19 Dec 1995 22:25:28 -0500

Bill writes:
>>I believe I have seen retractions and corrections in Facts and Faith in the
past. They don't seem to have the "we are infallible complex" ICR and
other young-earth creationist organizations are prone to.<<

I really do hope I am wrong. But I have not seen a lot of deep thought on
the area of human fossils from them, since they have drawn a line in the sand
stating that the Bible teaches that mankind arose no earlier than 60,000
years. Since artwork has now been found from 240,000 and 330,000 years, will
they retract at the risk of now stating that the Bible teaches that mankind
can be no older than 330,000 years?

The above does not give me much comfort that I am wrong. But as usual, I
will be most happy to proclaim the error of my way, if I do turn out to be
wrong on the Y-chromosome issue.
