Re: Pamphlet part I

Jim Foley (
Mon, 18 Dec 95 16:37:00 MST

La comprehension du monde vivant est impossible sans le secours
des principes evolutionnistes. Le chaos des formes ne s'ordonne
qu'a la lumiere de l'Evolution.

("Comprehension of the living world is impossible without the aid of
evolutionary principles. The chaos of forms resolves itself
only with the light of Evolution.")

>> The thing to note here is that Grasse was no redneck creationist with
>> a degree in hydraulic engineering. He was a former President of the

Oooh, I would never say anything that nasty!

Speaking of Henry, the ICR now has a web page:
Nothing much there yet, though.

-- Jim Foley                         Symbios Logic, Fort Collins,                        (303) 223-5100 x9765  I've got a plan so cunning you could put a tail on it and call  it a weasel.      -- Edmund Blackadder