Also, my outline was incomplete. A complete outline would have read:
I The Burden of Proof
II The Case for Evolution
A. "Evolution All Around Us"
B. "Evolution in the Fossil Record"
C. "The Argument from Imperfection"
(*** Note that these are the three strongest arguments for evolution according
to Stephen Jay Gould in an interview he did for a PBS documentary
entitled, "In the Beginning")
D. "Vestigial Organs"
E. "Genetic Throwbacks"
F. Molecular Evidence
G. Evidence for the Evolution of Man
H. Theological Arguments for Evolution
(The "Why would God do it this way" argument)
I. Homology/Classification/Embryology
J. Social Arguments for Darwinism
III The Case Against Evolution
A. The Fossil Record Gradual or Saltational?
B. The Origin of Intelligence
C. The Origin of Sex
D. Haldane's Dilemma and the Limits of Evolutionary change
E. Complex Organs
F. The Probability of proteins and the Origin of Life
In Christ,
robert van de water
associate researcher