Re the *creatio ex nihilo* discussion: I have always thought--and thought
I heard orthodox theologians saying--that God guided the biblical authors
in many ways, one of which was to keep them from writing down erroneous
ideas, even though they themselves no doubt had many such wrong ideas
which did not, however, get into the text. After all, we ourselves
ask God to guide us and keep us from paths that will lead nowhere.
Thus, have we not said, "I'm glad God kept me from getting that job
offer I wanted so much. I can see now that it was not for me." He takes
care of us beyond the matter of keeping us from temptation.
Back to the biblical authors. I think (I could be wrong!) that the
Bible de-emphasizes *creatio ex nihilo* because to *us* this could
imply that first there was "empty" space, and then God created. But
by this time in the history of the human race we understand that God
created space as well. And, of course, the same could be said about
the creation of time.
e-mail: Home address:
Russell Maatman 401 Fifth Ave. SE
Dordt College Sioux Center, Iowa 51250
Sioux Center, Iowa 51250 Home phone: (712) 722-0421