Re: The Two-Model Approach (was Testing the Biotic Message)

John W. Burgeson (
21 Nov 95 19:53:04 EST

Brian writes:

"And if true, then creationism will never be science and should never
be taught in the science classroom. That is the over-riding goal of
many creationist organizations, is it not?""

I think you are using the term "creationist" too narrowly
for this reflector, Brian. I suspect you are thinking of ICR and
the YECers; they are not representative of the thinking
(I think) of most folks here.

ICR has, of course, many goals; I doubt that the one you
cite is "overriding." But that's just my opinion.

The proponents of "intelligent design" may, or may not, claim the
label "creationist." There are a number of people who feel their views
have a place in the scientific community and in the classroom. The book
"Pandas" was debated in this respect at the last annual meeting of the
ASA. A copy of a report on the debate has been sent to the SCIENCE & RELIGION
section (5) of Compuserve's Religious Issues Forum.
