Re: Supernatural (was The Two-Model Approach)
Sun, 19 Nov 1995 22:33:13 -0500

Walter wrote:

>>Bookshelf 95? ... Hmmmmmmmm. Is that one put out by Microsoft? The same
folks who just gave Dawkins a million dollars to fight creationism? If so,
then I'm not surprised that one of their definitions (#b) is slanted to
favor naturalism. <<

No Walter,

Microsoft did not write the dictionary. The American Heritage Dictionary
did. They are not owned by Microsoft. Microsoft just made a deal for an
electronic verions of their 3rd edition. I doubt very seriously that Bill
Gates personally looked up the definition of science prior to striking the
deal with American Heritage.

Thanks for your dictionary reference. I have aske UTD's library to get me
that definition from that dictionary. I want to see what is there that you
won't quote. Your refusal to actually quote anything but the 4th definition
makes me curious as to what you don't like in the first 3.
