[Fwd: So long for now]

Stephen Jones (sjones@iinet.net.au)
Wed, 15 Nov 95 23:55:55 EST


Here is a message I received from Jim Bell, who has been bounced off
the Reflector.

I have explained to Jim how to re-subscribe, but I think he is using
as an opportunity to take a break.

I suggest that any responses to Jim's current messages be sent cc: his
Compuserve address.

Farewell Jim! :-(

God bless.


> Return-Path: 70672.1241@compuserve.com
> Received: from arl-img-6.compuserve.com (arl-img-6.compuserve.com []) by classic.iinet.com.au (8.6.12/8.6.9) with ESMTP id AAA14363 for <sjones@iinet.com.au>; Tue, 14 Nov 1995 00:29:50 +0800
> Received: by arl-img-6.compuserve.com (8.6.10/5.950515)
> id LAA06822; Mon, 13 Nov 1995 11:38:55 -0500
> Date: 13 Nov 95 11:31:35 EST
> From: Jim Bell <70672.1241@compuserve.com>
> To: "INTERNET:sjones@iinet.com.au" <sjones@iinet.com.au>
> Subject: So long for now
> Message-ID: <951113163134_70672.1241_FHP33-1@CompuServe.COM>
> X-UIDL: 816388860.013


I have been "removed" from the reflector. I'm not sure why, but they
said I
was having too many "bumped messages" or something. I'm not really
sure how to
remedy the situation.

This is OK, though, as I have other projects to attend to.


God bless,


=========END FORWARDED MESSAGE=========

| Stephen Jones | ,--_|\ | sjones@iinet.net.au |
| 3 Hawker Ave | / Oz \ | sjones@odyssey.apana.org.au |
| Warwick 6024 |->*_,--\_/ | http://www.iinet.net.au/~sjones/ |
| Perth, Australia | v | phone +61 9 448 7439 |