Re: flood models #1 (was Fossil Man Again)

Bill Hamilton (
Wed, 15 Nov 1995 08:12:29 -0500

Stephen writes

>Glenn has claimed he has
>published a book arguing that Noah was a Homo habilis and the Flood
>ocurred 5.5 MYA in the Mediterranean. The book has been reviewed by
>Bill Hamilton on the Reflector. I find it most strange that Glenn
>doesn't quote from his book where it touches on these issues.
The book does exist. I have read it, and I hope to ber able to save up
enough "lunch money" after the first of the year to buy several more copies
to donate to the libraries of Christian colleges and seminaries. You can
order it from Glenn.

Glenn has posted a great deal of material that is not in the book -- which
probably reperesents material he has come across since he published the
I can't speak for Glenn, but if I were in his situation -- having actively
continued my investigation after publishing the book, I would be more
interested in discussing the new material I had come across than in quoting
from the book. After all, everyone can find out what he said in the book
by reading it. There's no "coverup" or shame or embarrassment involved
here, Stephen. Just the normal behavior of an active mind.

Bill Hamilton | Vehicle Systems Research
GM R&D Center | Warren, MI 48090-9055
810 986 1474 (voice) | 810 986 3003 (FAX) (office) | (home)