Re: The Nature of Atheist - Christian dialogue

From: Iain Strachan (
Date: Wed Apr 30 2003 - 02:18:04 EDT

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)"

    > “By the sweat of your face, You will eat bread, Till you return to the
    ground, Because from it you were taken; For you are dust, And to dust you
    shall return.” Gen. 3.19
    > I do not see any mythology in this verse. It seems that it describes
    perfectly the state of mankind. We have to work to eat and one day we will
    die. Perhaps this is not a valid statement for those who are on welfare but
    for the rest of us it is quite accurate. Am I missing something?
    With all due respect, I think you are now taking it out of context. What
    Jim clearly means by stating that this is mythology can only be appreciated
    in the context; i.e. that God was announcing His punishment of Adam because
    of Adam's sin. The logical inference to this surely is that this was not
    the state of mankind prior to Adam's sin. At least, that's how I understand
    Jim's point. I don't think, therefore, you have provided a satisfactory
    answer to it. I'm not pretending I have an answer for it either; maybe I'm
    deluding myself by not taking the atheist option? I don't believe so, but I
    have to admit that I don't have an answer for this one.


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