Re: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)

From: Howard J. Van Till (
Date: Wed Apr 30 2003 - 08:13:40 EDT

  • Next message: Alexanian, Moorad: "RE: The Nature of Atheist - Christian dialogue"

    >From: "Josh Bembenek" <>

    > Also, I
    > believe Dembski, in response to Van Till's article about degrees of
    > naturalism, etc. commented that ID is as consistent with a RFEP as it is
    > with progressive staltutory creationism (correct me if I'm wrong here).

    Wrong. Dembski's case for "ID" in the biological arena would fail if the
    RFEP holds. "ID" (as defined by Dembski) is necessary only if there are gaps
    in the universe's formational economy. "ID" action is posited to compensate
    for what the universe (by divine intention, presumably) fails to be capable
    of doing.

    Skip .....

    > All of us
    > here agree that *somewhere* the filter should indicate a design inference.

    No, not if we use Dembski's meaning of "design inference." Dembski's
    Explanatory Filter is dedicated to the task of demonstrating the need for
    form-conferring interventions in the course of time, interventions that are
    made necessary by what the Creation cannot do. If the Creation was gifted
    from the outset with a robust formational economy, then there would be no
    "design inference" in the unconventional manner that Dembski uses the term

    Howard Van Till

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