Re: Perceiving God

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 11:36:04 EDT

  • Next message: Josh Bembenek: "Re: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)"

    >>I think you are confounding accuracy and precision. Their knowledge seems
    >>to be
    accurate but limited. >>

    I hate to say it, but I think you are (possibly -- <G>) right. Still -- it
    is apparent (I think) that at least some of their knowledge is inaccurate. I
    am sure they think of the Flood and creation in YEC terms.

    But let's consider, instead of my mentally challenged friends, the very
    intelligent people who hold forth at ICR. From our perspective, we see them
    as inaccurate (theologically) when they insist a literal reading of Genesis
    is a requirement to be a Christian. To that extent, at least, we say they
    hold an inaccurate understanding of the divine. Yet I think none of us would
    also see them as, therefore, not Christians in as good standing as any of

    >>Do you think it is OK if someone believes that gasing the Tokyo subway is
    theologically good action? If not, you are holding some standard of
    accuracy. >>

    Good point. I do not, obviously. SOME degree of accuracy seems to be
    needful. But what that degree is I'm not prepared to measure.

    The counterpart to that action that came to mind is the (apparent) commad of
    God to commit genocide on the Amalikites -- including infants -- that
    appears in I Sam 15. Do I think that was a "theologically good action?" If I
    did (I don't), then why would I reject your example out of hand?


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