Re: No death before the fall theology

Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 08:22:33 EDT

  • Next message: John Burgeson: "Re: Perceiving God"

    In a message dated 4/29/03 8:00:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

    > You're brevity has me confused. What is your point? Why did you object to
    > Burgy's statement in the first place - specifically? Leviticus is 27
    > chapters of heavy reading.

    Burgy has his own reasons for trashing the levitical prohibitions which have
    come up in fairly recent threads. I simply point out their obvious utility.
    The prohibitions are at 18.

    > This last e-mail really has me confused. If we don't eat pork and don't
    > spill our seed and do maintain certain rituals, we will prosper and
    > replenish the earth?

    Are you asking me or telling me?

    > Do we also need to provide several kinds of burnt offerings and have women
    > bathe in running water after every menstrual cycle?

    If that's what it takes to remind you of the levitical prohibitions and you
    are serious about maintaining a high birth rate ans superior offspring, while
    the world outside the ghetto walls is beginning to look like sodom and
    gomorrah, yes.

    “Among the factors facilitating the separation of Jews and gentiles over
    historical time have been religious practice and beliefs, language and
    mannerisms, physical appearance and clothing, customs (especially the dietary
    laws), occupations and living in physically separated areas, which were
    administered by Jews according to Jewish civil and criminal law… The
    uniqueness of the Jews lies in their being the only people to successfully
    remain intact and resist normal assimilative processes after living for very
    long periods as a minority in other societies.”

    That quote's from Kevin MacDonald, one of the authors I suggested you look

    The intricate rituals maintain social and hence genetic separation. See what
    is in front of your face. If the levitical prohibitions are invalid, then
    why is it that the people who maintain them most strictly, with the rituals
    you descibe, have the highest birth rates in the world and the highest IQs
    and have been a cohesive people longer than any other? All of those qualities
    are evolutionarily, reproductively and adaptively sound.

    > Please, explain yourself.

    If you want your family, tribe, nation or race to survive, you consider those
    prohibitions to avoid being "spewed out" of the land.


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