Re: Perceiving God

Date: Tue Apr 29 2003 - 12:47:04 EDT

  • Next message: Jim Armstrong: "Re: Perceiving God"

    In a message dated 4/29/03 11:37:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

    > But let's consider, instead of my mentally challenged friends, the very
    > intelligent people who hold forth at ICR. From our perspective, we see them
    > as inaccurate (theologically) when they insist a literal reading of Genesis

    We all have to face this at one time or another. Some here say Scripture is
    to be understood personally (theological anarchy/relativism), some say it
    must be read literally, others like me want to know the conditions of
    production and the mentality of the people who wrote the Scriptures and the
    consequences for people who align their behavior with scriptural truths.

    If I can't tie my shoes but I understand enough of the Ten Commandments and
    the Greatest Commandment to inuit godly behavior (behavior that stabilizes my
     family/protects my health, the health of my society/ensures biological
    continuity of me and my affinals, etc.) then the Scriptures are literally
    true, whether the truth is in an allegory or a parable or walked on two feet,
    whether heaven is 2 dimension or 3 dimensional. I'm looking for practical
    benefits and I see them.

    Ken Ham's literal reading of Scripture will place him in an intellectual
    backwater, but even if he couldn't tie his shoes, a literal reading of
    Scripture will guide him to the kingdom of God (and ensure behavior that
    stabilizes his family/protects his health, the health of his society/ensures
    biological continuity of him and his affinals, etc.).

    My issue and the one that brought me here, is Kevin macdonald's trilogy on
    Judaism which says Scripture does all those things, and he's demonstrated it
    scientifically. Why is that important? Because the radical left (Jim?)
    continues to try and separate us from the religion that would sustain us and
    yet scientifically, it has been proven that the Jews are more intelligent,
    more cohesive, more materially successful than any other people, and in fact
    their orhtodox communities are the most intelligent (stats commonly known)
    and the most powerful (those communities in palestinian territory) in the
    world and they work those Levitical prohibitions to the bone, so my position
    is opposed to Ken Ham's but for the same reason. I embrace science, have seen
    why Scripture is sound scientifically, so want people to look at the science
    in Scripture so they don't abandon Scriupture the way the media is
    encouraging them to. Ken Ham is afraid that embracing the science will
    eventually cause the abandonment of the Scriptural morality, but the examples
    I've given of the advantages that accrue from observing the levitical
    prohibitions demonstrate that the advantages to be accrued by observing the
    Law (which was fulfilled by Jesus and not abandoned by him), are never


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