Re: Common Descent: From Monkey To Man

From: Denyse O'Leary (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 17:00:13 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)"

    Josh Bembenek wrote:
    > In the interest of being open-minded about the common descent issue,
    > here is a considerably problematic article for the idea that man did not
    > descend from monkeys. I can find no alternate explanation, nor have I
    > critically analyzed the data. Any comments?
    > "Chromosomal Speciation and Molecular Divergence- Accelerated Evolution
    > in Rearranged Chromosomes." Navarro, A. and Barton NH. Science 300,
    > p321-324.
    > Abstract:
    > Humans and their closest evolutionary relatives, the chimpanzees, differ
    > in ~1.24% of their genomic DNA sequences.

    Well, if that's true, it only shows what a difference 1.24% can make.

    (Ain't nobody out there who doesn't know the difference.)

    Here's a story you might want to check out:

    The difference could be more than you think, depending on what you
    choose to COUNT as a difference.


    To see what's new in faith and science issues, go to
    My next book, By Design or By Chance?: The Growing Controversy Over the
    Origin of Life in the Universe  (Castle Quay Books, Oakville) will be
    published Fall 2003.

    To order, call Castle Quay, 1-800-265-6397, fax 519-748-9835, or visit (CDN $19.95 or US$14.95).

    Denyse O'Leary 14 Latimer Avenue Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M5N 2L8 Tel: 416 485-2392/Fax: 416 485-9665

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