Re: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)

From: George Murphy (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 11:10:10 EDT

  • Next message: John Burgeson: "Re: No death before the fall theology"

    Josh Bembenek wrote:
    > This also goes for George who comments on the fact that IDers won't answer
    > whether or not carbon is designed. The explanatory filter cannot positively
    > infer the design of every structure. If it did, what use would it be?
    > Carbon is not myoglobin in terms of bits of information or complexity.
    > Should we ask Dembski if he thinks Gravity or physical constants were
    > designed, and laugh him off if his filter cannot detect it?.............................

    Josh -
            Thanks for providing another item in support of my statement. I did not ask
    what the explanatory filter could or could not do, or about gravity &c. I posed the
    question to IDers, "Is the carbon-12 nucleus intelligently designed?" Since you are
    apparently in agreement with the ID movement, would you be willing to answer the


    George L. Murphy

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