Re: No death before the fall theology

From: John Burgeson (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 11:30:45 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: ID science (subtopic 2)"

    >>It feels a little bit strange lecturing a Christian
    about the Bible. Christians get locked into a
    certain mentality and have a hard time escaping.>>

    Jim -- I have to agree with your last sentence. What I suspect is that the
    god you have rejected is also the same god I rejected. That god is, of
    course, a straw god and its attributes do not conform to The God I know,
    love and worship.

    "God" is, of course, not God's name. It is just the name we place on the
    mystery of the force that created us. When we talk about God, we are
    constrained to use whatever metaphors come to mind -- we can do no better.
    Yet, many of us are quite aware of having been grasped (Tillich's term) by
    the divine, and that contact, being part of our personal knowledge, must be
    part of our religious stance. See Polyani's book PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE for an
    exposition of how such knowledge is neither subjective nor objective, but is
    of a different kind.

    The Bible, which is a record of persons in the past speaking about their own
    understanding of the divine, is, of course, a key document to the Christian
    faith. Yet millions of people have lived and died as Christians w/o ever
    reading it. Yes, there are some who regard it as sort of a "manufacturer's
    handbook," and think that within its pages they can find all the ethical and
    moral knowledge they will ever need. And some, even on this list, regard it
    as "inerrant." I can't understand that myself, any more than I can
    understand the YEC position. But YECs, and inerrantists, and many more will
    someday enjoy the heavenlies, for it is the relationship with the divine
    that counts, not the accuracy of one's beliefs.

    I placed on my web site about a month ago a set of notes on the inerrancy
    question, based on a book by Davis. You may find it interesting. Look on
    page 2, section 11, 5th entry.



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