Re: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)

From: Josh Bembenek (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 12:10:15 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael Roberts)"


    Yes C12 is designed, yes physical processes may indeed be capable of
    producing it. No this doesn't mean that information in biological systems,
    by analogy, are also derived by physical processes instead of intelligent
    causation. My hesitation comes when folks answer questions about derivation
    of biological systems with examples from fundemental physics. There is no
    reason to suppose that we can extrapolate. Again, chromosomes are being
    ignored and we're discussing fundamental particles of the universe.


    >From: George Murphy <>
    >To: Josh Bembenek <>
    >Subject: Re: "Design up to Scratch?" (The Wit and Wisdom of Michael
    >Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 11:10:10 -0400
    >Josh Bembenek wrote:
    > > This also goes for George who comments on the fact that IDers won't
    > > whether or not carbon is designed. The explanatory filter cannot
    > > infer the design of every structure. If it did, what use would it be?
    > > Carbon is not myoglobin in terms of bits of information or complexity.
    > > Should we ask Dembski if he thinks Gravity or physical constants were
    > > designed, and laugh him off if his filter cannot detect
    >Josh -
    > Thanks for providing another item in support of my statement. I did not
    >what the explanatory filter could or could not do, or about gravity &c. I
    >posed the
    >question to IDers, "Is the carbon-12 nucleus intelligently designed?"
    >Since you are
    >apparently in agreement with the ID movement, would you be willing to
    >answer the
    > Shalom,
    > George
    >George L. Murphy

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