RE: selling Christianity

From: Debbie Mann (
Date: Tue Apr 15 2003 - 08:19:21 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Schneider: "Re: selling Christianity"

    Does that mean that you don't believe that statistics are useful in
    evangalism? The point of the research by our church was for the members to
    spend time where it would best count. It is less profitable for a life-long
    traditional Christian to hand out flyers in the mall than to invite the
    next-door neighbor who went to church as a child and then strayed away.
    Statistics say a coworker is a more likely convert for must of us than a
    homeless person. There are people who have the ministry of reaching the
    homeless on a spiritual level, but statistics say that they most likely had
    a rough spot or two in their own lives. I agree, we plant and water and God
    gives the increase. However, in my own garden, I do a lot better with
    daffodils than hibiscus. It's the climate.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []On
    Behalf Of
    Sent: Tuesday, April 15, 2003 6:22 AM
    Subject: Re: selling Christianity

    In a message dated 4/14/03 11:34:10 PM, writes:

    << The point is that A's virtually never convert
    C's. A's bring some of the straying B's into the fold and B's convert C's.

    This is no in God's Word. People never convert anyone. Only God can save a
    sinner and He can use any method and any person and any thing that he
    -- or He would not be God.

    Helen Martin

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