RE: selling Christianity

From: Debbie Mann (
Date: Mon Apr 14 2003 - 23:35:45 EDT

  • Next message: "Re: selling Christianity"

    A people are devout Christians who were raised in the Christian environment.
    B's are those who have lived a big part of their life as a non-Christian,
    maybe having strayed and returned, maybe as a late convert. C's are those
    who really do not relate to the Christian environment. (I got this in a
    class at our church, my definitions are not as precise as I would like as I
    don't have them written down). The point is that A's virtually never convert
    C's. A's bring some of the straying B's into the fold and B's convert C's.
    My bigger point is that trust begets trust. I'm sure you've heard that
    someone who has done you a little favor, even if it's a total stranger, is
    far more likely to do you another, or even a bigger favor? (It's taught in
    various sales classes.)People are unlikely to respond to the witness of
    those they don't relate to on another level. Once they start relating on
    some level, they are an easier sell.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: George Murphy []
    Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 6:25 PM
    To: Debbie Mann
    Cc: Asa
    Subject: Re: selling Christianity

    Debbie Mann wrote:
    > The point: People listen to people to whom they can relate. We all strive
    > for perfection, but smart people know perfection is false.
    > Have you heard of the A, B and C categories of Christianity as it relates
    > evangalism?

            No, I'm not familiar with these - at least in these terms.

    George L. Murphy

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