Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID (fwd)..Fine Tuning

From: Dick Fischer (
Date: Sat Apr 12 2003 - 19:35:26 EDT

  • Next message: Preston Garrison: "Re: Common Descent: From Monkey To Man"

    Debbie Mann wrote:

    Anthropic Principle: Only a universe with certain features could contain people to ask certain questions.
    Weak Anthropic Principle: The universe could not be much different and still support life.
    Strong Anthropic Principle: The universe has properties which require life to exist.

    Hey, you guys taught me something. All you have to do to have a principle is to just define it! That's great. So here is my principle:

    Historical Adam Principle (HAP): Adam was a historical personality who lived in southern Mesopotamia about 7,000 years ago and was the progenitor of the covenant race.

    (copyright, Dick Fischer, 2003)

    That was so easy. Why didn't I think of that before. Now if I get any flak I can say: "It's a principle, fool." Is this a great organization or what?

    Dick Fischer - Genesis Proclaimed Association
    Finding Harmony in Bible, Science, and History

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