RE: Benjamin Wiker on ID (fwd)..Fine Tuning

From: Debbie Mann (
Date: Sat Apr 12 2003 - 16:58:31 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID (fwd)..Fine Tuning"

    Anthropic Princiiple: Only a universe with certain features could contain
    people to ask certain questions.
    Weak Anthropic Principle: The universe could not be much different and still
    support life.
    Strong Anthropic Principle: The universe has properties which require life
    to exist.
    Strange Matters Tom Siegfreid page 133

    A little different than Haught. Wonder who coined the phrases and what the
    original definition was. There is reference to Brandon Carter in this
      -----Original Message-----
      From: []On
    Behalf Of Dick Fischer
      Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2003 11:05 AM
      Subject: Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID (fwd)..Fine Tuning

      Bob Schneider wrote:

      Each of the formulations for fine-tuning are labeled as a "Principle"
    (e.g., the Strong Anthropic Principle) and not as a "Theory." In much the
    same way,
      Howard Van Till speaks of his "Robust Formational Economy Principle."
    Those in the scientific community have been careful in their language; they
    do not
      think that this evidence leads to a formulation that qualifies as a
    scientific theory.

      Point well taken. I don't think we are careful enough in applying correct
    terms, thus contributing to the fog of misunderstanding. Should it not be
    the Strong Anthropic Hypothesis? And what does "strong" have to do with it?
    Is there a corresponding "Weak Anthropic Principle"? Why not simply the
    "Anthropic Hypothesis"? There, now go and correct all the literature.

      Dick Fischer - Genesis Proclaimed Association
      Finding Harmony in Bible, Science, and History

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