Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God

From: George Murphy (
Date: Thu Apr 03 2003 - 07:29:37 EST

  • Next message: Denyse O'Leary: "Re: appearance of age, the goodness of God, and MEDIA" wrote:
    > In a message dated 4/2/03 7:07:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,
    > writes:
    > > Tomorrow evening I'm going to be talking to a Christian students group at
    > > the U of Toledo & in the next month I'll be speaking to 4 different lay &
    > > clergy
    > > groups about related matters. But I have no illusion that these events
    > > will reach the number of people that a well-funded & publicized
    > > presentation by Ken Ham, or a nationwide TV interview with "Dr." Carl
    > > Baugh, does.
    > >
    > You seem to be doing wonderfully engaging that many groups in such a short
    > time.
    > The media does not want evolutionists to look at religion. The media leftists
    > wants organized religion ended. That is why the media will air a creationist
    > or any crackpot before airing a credible intelligent religious Christian man.
    > It is not the the demand for your events is low but the media funnel prevents
    > your message from getting to the people who could apprehend it and respond to
    > it, there are countless rationally bound religionists who've lost the faith
    > and need to know that religion is not irrational.
    > "Once the reasoning associated with scientific thought loses its status as
    > the only adaptive way to think, othe forms of thought associated with
    > religion cease to be objects of scorn and incomprehension and can be studied
    > as adaptations in their own right." David Sloan Wilson - Darwin's Cathedral
    > Great work!
    > rich
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------
    > In a message dated 4/2/03 7:07:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,
    > writes:
    > Tomorrow evening I'm going to be talking to a Christian
    > students group at the U of Toledo & in the next month I'll
    > be speaking to 4 different lay & clergy
    > groups about related matters. But I have no illusion that
    > these events will reach the number of people that a
    > well-funded & publicized presentation by Ken Ham, or a
    > nationwide TV interview with "Dr." Carl Baugh, does.
    > You seem to be doing wonderfully engaging that many groups in such a
    > short time.
    > The media does not want evolutionists to look at religion. The media
    > leftists wants organized religion ended. That is why the media will
    > air a creationist or any crackpot before airing a credible intelligent
    > religious Christian man. It is not the the demand for your events is
    > low but the media funnel prevents your message from getting to the
    > people who could apprehend it and respond to it, there are countless
    > rationally bound religionists who've lost the faith and need to know
    > that religion is not irrational.

            I guess it depends on what media we're talking about. Anti-evolutionists
    sometimes get TV time on TBN & I'm sure other religious stations & networks. PBN has
    had programs on religious issues connected with evolution that have some degree of
    balance - e.g., the one a couple of years ago with, inter alia, Keith Miller. The
    commercial networks don't seem to do a lot with the issue.

    George L. Murphy

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