Re: appearance of age and the goodness of God

Date: Wed Apr 02 2003 - 21:42:24 EST

  • Next message: Darryl Maddox: "Re: Paraconformities (was test questions)"

    In a message dated 4/2/03 7:07:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,

    > Tomorrow evening I'm going to be talking to a Christian students group at
    > the U of Toledo & in the next month I'll be speaking to 4 different lay &
    > clergy
    > groups about related matters. But I have no illusion that these events
    > will reach the number of people that a well-funded & publicized
    > presentation by Ken Ham, or a nationwide TV interview with "Dr." Carl
    > Baugh, does.

    You seem to be doing wonderfully engaging that many groups in such a short
    The media does not want evolutionists to look at religion. The media leftists
    wants organized religion ended. That is why the media will air a creationist
    or any crackpot before airing a credible intelligent religious Christian man.
    It is not the the demand for your events is low but the media funnel prevents
    your message from getting to the people who could apprehend it and respond to
    it, there are countless rationally bound religionists who've lost the faith
    and need to know that religion is not irrational.

    "Once the reasoning associated with scientific thought loses its status as
    the only adaptive way to think, othe forms of thought associated with
    religion cease to be objects of scorn and incomprehension and can be studied
    as adaptations in their own right." David Sloan Wilson - Darwin's Cathedral

    Great work!


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