Re: the evolution and ID debate

From: jdac (
Date: Tue Dec 10 2002 - 03:09:41 EST

  • Next message: "Re: George's reply to Howard"

    Welcome Sheila! Good to see another geologist onboard the
    discussion. What sort
    of issues would you like discussed. I think we need more positive ones myself.


    Jon wrote:

    > I am a fairly new subscriber to this newsgroup and have been a ĪlurkerĶ until
    > today. The evolution/ID debate has turned into an argument and I
    >have seen no
    > information that would change my beliefs concerning the Bible and evolution.
    > I am ready for a change of subject.
    > In making the transition from a lurker to a participant, I will give a brief
    > description of myself:
    > I work as an environmental geologist and have earned a doctorate in
    > geology. I am a Christian with a close, intimate relationship with
    >God. I am
    > actively involved in church and believe that the Bible is the true word of
    > God. I also believe, given current information, that the earth is
    >billions of
    > years old. The Bible does not dispute or agree with that fact. I love the
    > mysteries of God!
    > Sheila McGinty
    > -------------------------------------------------
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