List policies reminder

From: Terry M. Gray (
Date: Tue Dec 03 2002 - 02:01:27 EST

  • Next message: Walter Hicks: "Re: Evolution & Identity of the ID designer"

    Since I haven't incorporated the list policies that were adopted last
    summer into the official introductory email for the list, I'd like to
    remind everyone of them. They can be found in the archives at and

    Please look these over, especially if you are new to the list since last July.

    I have recently not approved a few posts mostly because of guideline
    #2 in the first list. Those involved should look at this archived post.

    List manager/moderator

    Terry M. Gray, Ph.D., Computer Support Scientist
    Chemistry Department, Colorado State University
    Fort Collins, Colorado  80523
    phone: 970-491-7003 fax: 970-491-1801

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