At 09:27 AM 23/05/02 +0000, Jim Eisele wrote:
>It is with increasing bewilderment that I observe the ASA. For, although
>I am a member, I increasingly disassociate myself from daily proceedings.
>It amuses me how nothing ever gets resolved. We "gather" and endlessly
>debate. I hate looking up Bible verses. But I've been driven to it this
>1Tim 1:6 reads "For some men, straying from these things, have turned
>aside to fruitless discussion."
>I wonder what the Lord thinks when he watches us.
>A) those aimless people
>But, please, if anyone disagrees, let me know!
The same goes for us, who think differently than you do. Personally I have
been talking about this for 14 years, and so far I have not read any
argument showing that I am incorrect. I, too, find it fruitless. I am
willing to accept you as a brother in Christ, but up till now I find your
arguments unconvincing, and even dangerous. I have told you why, but thus
far I did not read any convincing argument showing that I am
incorrect. Keeping on repeating arguments which I have mentioned for
years, to which I have not received any convincing reply, does not make any
sense. And, I repeat the subjects you want to be discussed, should indeed
be studied, but cannot be solved by just writing letters back and
forward. Much more is needed. That is why our church appointed a
committee of 10, which divided the work: 3 philosophers, 3 scientists
(biology, physics. and I believe, geology), 3 theologians ( 1dogmatics, 1
OT, 1NT) and one more person, I forgot his field.. They studied each in
their own area, and came regularly together to try to see the "problem"
each from his own "specialty" and to discuss. It is inconceivable, that we
on this forum can accomplish a unified few by exchanging short
messages. It does not mean that we do not accept YEC people, but it does
mean that we disagree and sometimes point them in a different direction..
I have tried to show why I disagree with you and that is not just
disagreeing about some texts, but about the way texts are pulled out of
their context. Personally, I find you way of reading the Bible dangerous,
and you find my way dangerous. I did not succeed, and you will not
succeed, unless we go deeper in the philosophical, aand exegetical backgrounds
Jan de K.
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