Re: ASA gasping for air

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Thu May 23 2002 - 11:07:53 EDT

  • Next message: Jan de Koning: "Re: ASA gasping for air"

    Hi Terry,
    Precedence: bulk


    >Did you know that there are under 150 subscribers to this list? Also,
    >there is no requirement to be an ASA member to join the list. This is
    >less than 10% of the membership of the ASA. Fewer than 20% of those
    >actively participate; others merely lurk or trash the posts on a
    >regular basis

    Thanks for the info (this was more or less what I guessed). Personally,
    I read from the archives.

    >I would suggest that this list IS NOT the heartbeat of the ASA. For
    >that you should look at the web site, the journal, local section
    >meetings, and the annual meeting.

    Yes and no. Perhaps I will get further opportunity to discuss this in
    the future. I would suggest that this is the heartbeat of the leadership
    of the ASA (the folks capable of publicly defending their ideas).

    >I would also suggest that this list reflects the interests and
    >personalities of the HANDFUL (20% of less than 150 subscribers) of
    >people who have the time, energy, and interest to contribute. I would
    >suggest that this too is not very representative of the ASA as a

    Leadership rises to the top? I'd be very willing to listen to opposing
    views here.

    FWIW, I strongly believe that you underestimate the ASA. Time will
    tell :-).


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